Friday, April 19, 2013

Romanticism or the Enlightenment


             Throughout the last few years I have come to realize that I am a solid revolutionary. I question authority, the news media (as I was advised by the forefathers of this very country), and ultimately anything that has the potential to indoctrinate or infiltrate my mind through the means of propaganda. I have lost total faith and trust in government along with the media. I stress the media essentially because four or five major corporations have consolidated the ways and means in which your "media" or "news" reaches your television. Not more than thirty years ago there were a pleathora of news corporations that held no allegiance with the major four or five. 
                      The consolidation of news and media has been a key resource for the misinformation that is fed and easily consumed by the American People. Additionally, the federal government regulates one hundred percent of what is transmitted through your television, only strengthening their indoctrinating agenda. Thomas Jefferson stated "A man who reads nothing at all is much better educated than a man who reads nothing but newspapers." Translated to our time, a man who doesn't have a television is much better educated or informed than the man who watches nothing but regulated television. 
                      Through this successful process of misinformation we now live in a society where the individual is much more offended by swear words or middle fingers, than by the constant death and destruction  of innocent human beings abroad. I consider myself somewhat of a product of Romanticism (however I try not to put limitatitions on my mind in anyway shape or form, ie Republican vs. Democrat, Realist vs. Liberal, Communist vs. Capitalist, Conservative vs. Liberal etc.) because I am all about rebellion, the true power of the individual over the group, and ultimately the importance of this human experience through the lens of spiritual nature, rather than religion. We as individuals are sadly pitted against one another through these limitations and chains we voluntarily revered.